我叫Hafna Khan,今年16岁。我来自巴基斯坦伊斯兰堡。我现在就读于Roots Millennium Schools的皮卡迪利校区。我6岁的时候去了香港。我在香港的一所学校学习了9年。香港很有吸引力,给我留下了很好的印象。我爱中国,中国文化,和那里友好的人民。我衷心祝愿本次活动的所有参与者好运,也祝2022年5月北京冬奥会取得巨大成功。
My name is Hafna Khan, and I am 16 years old. I am from Islamabad, Pakistan. I study in Piccadilly Campus, Roots Millennium Schools now. I went to Hong Kong when I was 6 years old. I spent 9 years in studying at one school in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is very attractive and left me a very good impression. I love China, Chinese culture, and friendly people there. I sincerely wish best of luck to all participants of the event and May 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics became a huge success.