The ESM w ill have a total subscribedcap-ital of 700billioneuros.O f this am ount,80billionw ill beintheform of paid-incapitalprovidedbythe euro-aream em ber states beingphasedinfrom July2013infiveequal annualinstallm ents. Inaddition,theESM w ill alsodisposeof acom binationof com m ittedcallablecapital andof guarantees from euro-aream em -berstatesto atotal am ount of 620 billioneuros.(彭博社)
欧洲稳定机制(ESM )的认缴资本总额将达到7000亿欧元,其中的800亿欧元为实缴资本,后者将由欧元区成员国从2013年起分五次等额分期缴付。除此之外,E SM中余下的6200亿欧元则由欧元区成员国承诺可随时支付的款项和担保等组成。
对于各界密切关注的欧洲稳定机制(ESM )的具体内容,有了新的进展。
W ednesdaynight,the econom ic crisis be-cam e apolitical crisis. Portugal‘s parliam entrejected Prim eM inisterJoséSócrates’splanfor spendingcuts
andtaxincreases. M r.Sócrates handedinhis resignation. H ew ill hangon asacaretakeruntil anew governm ent is
form ed. Without thebudget cuts,Portugal isalm ost certaintoneedaninternational bailout. Itw ill run out of m oneythisyearw ithout freshcash,andm arkets arechargingpunitiveratesforborrow ing.T w ofirm sdow ngradedPortugal‘s credit ratingT hursday.(《华尔街日报》)
G reeceandIreland,thetw oEU countriesthat got bailouts,reachedthebrinkrelativelyrapidly:G reece cam e undone after revelations ithadgrosslyunderestim atedthegovernm ent’sparlous fiscal
state; Irelandself-im m olatedinanorgyof propertyspeculation.
Portugal‘s crisis,bycontrast,has com etoaboil slow ly. Foradecade,Portugal’sgrow thtrailedthe euro-zone average.(《华尔街日报》)
T he EuropeanU nioncannot fixits sover-eigndebt problem w ithout aholisticsolutionthat quells investors’concerns about banks.For as longas
theybelievethat thebloc’sbanksare undercapitalised,addicted toEuropeanC entral Bankfunding,anddanger-ously exposed to w eak eurozonesovereignrisks,investorsw ill stick tothesidelines.(《金融时报》)
拿不出一套整体解决方案,打消投资者对银行的忧虑,欧盟(E U )是无法解决其主权债务问题的。只要投资者认为,欧盟内的银行资本金不足、沉迷于欧洲央行(ECB)的注资、对欧元区弱国主权债务风险的敞口过大,他们就会坚持离场观望。
R ather,they should look beyond thelam eparam etersof theim pendingE U stresstests,andrequirefull disclosureof banks’sovereignexposure,w hether intheir bankingortrading books,and proof beyond doubtthat banks’ capital buffers arestrong.O nlythenw ill the depressinglyclose correlationbe-tw eensovereignriskandtheperform anceofEuropeanbankshares of thepast sixm onthsbe broken.(《金融时报》)
记者 闫磊 编译