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2012年10月24日 15:43 来源:中国网 参与互动(0)


In life we face many changes. In 2008, I had to go back home for my father and brother, as they asked me to manage some work in their company. Because of good adaptability, I can always be able to adapt myself to different circumstances, with my guitar and a pile of books, started to work as construction worker around all of China , because my father and brother have signed numbers of engineering contract in Beijing, Tianjin, Handan, Cangzhou, Yulin, and many other places. At that time, the hard work in outdoor environment and other various affairs, have enhanced my adaptability and spirit of being inured to hardships. My father later said to me that our company is progressing quite well. Perhaps in this way he was just trying to encourage me to do my work best.


If one’s mind was fettered for a long time, he will always have a chance to awake. The year 2009 was a turning point of my life, because I want to pursue my higher-education. I would like to realize the self-value rather than work like a machine. I made the plan of going to Beijing to pursue my higher-education. My father and brother didn't stop me , because they know that I am always thoughtful before doing something. I already had enough experience and I had the right to choose my own career at that time.

经过一年的音乐专业知识的刻苦学习,我如愿以偿考入了位于北京的中国重点高校 “首都师范大学”,开始学习音乐——这个我一直以来想进入的领域,我惜时如金,刻苦的学习各种音乐知识。在之前的工程专业学习过程中,我培养了刻苦钻研、举一反三的学习习惯,并将此用在了学习音乐中,勤奋好学、触类旁通成了我的标签,这也引起了我又一个人生导师的注意:中国著名教育专家马弘毅教授。与马弘毅教授结识后,他向我传授了很广博且深刻的知识,给我提了不少关于人生发展的至若珍宝的建议,这使我开阔了眼界,增加了面对未来的勇气,让我清楚的看到自己在社会中的位置,使我明白了做一个对社会、对人类发展真正有用的人,不能只局限在一个领域,需要开阔的眼界和渊博的知识,我决定放下家人为我在北京已创造的优越生活条件,去更高的学府学习。

After one year of Music course, I fortunately stepped into the Capital Normal University, which is the National Key University of China, located in Beijing. And again I started my career in the field of music.

Then I cherished that time and learnt all kinds of music.During my engineering course, I became habituated of studying assiduously and developed the ability to learn from facts. And I applied this method in music. Those traits became my label, and I noticed from my another tutor's: Professor Ma Hongyi , who is one of the most famous Chinese education experts. And under his proper guidance, his daughter was admitted to the Oxford University successfully. After the acquaintance with Professor Ma Hongyi, I came to know many things about life and he also suggested me to go ahead and expand my horizon and encouraged me to face the future. He helped me judge myself and where I stand in the society, and advised me not to adhere only to one field but need to broaden my horizon and should enhance my knowledge to be a true honest person for society and human development. So I decided to get out of the superior living conditions that my family has created for me in Beijing, and go to higher institution for higher Education.


At the same time I was learning music,I also joined some part-time job related to music what made me realize that music is better as a flower to appreciate but not a job for me. If I compose music just for money, it will not be a appreciated. In aggregate, I think it’s very good experience for me , in which I have a adopted own personality, and exercised my independent study ability.



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