【龙腾九州 福暖四季】二次元贺新春:二十三 糖瓜粘

发布时间:2024年02月02日 11:13     来源:雷竟技平台

  糖瓜是中国北方地区的传统美食,主要原料是麦芽糖,掺上一些黄米熬制而成。俗话说 “二十三 糖瓜粘”,中国有个民间传说,灶王爷每年腊月二十三便上天向玉皇大帝禀报人们的生活起居、善恶行径,所以人们用又粘又甜的糖瓜祭祀灶王,让它“上天言好事, 下地保平安”。中国人在小年这天祭灶神、吃糖瓜,祈福新的一年平平安安,甜甜蜜蜜。(赵丽)


  Sugar melon is a traditional snack in the northern regions of China. There's a saying that “sugar melon is served on the 23rd day of the 12th lunar month.” According to a Chinese folk legend, on this day, the Kitchen God would report people's daily lives and deeds to the Jade Emperor in heaven. Therefore, people offer sticky and sweet sugar melon to the Kitchen God, hoping for his sweet reports to heaven and blessings for a peaceful new year. That’s why sugar melon is traditionally served on this day in China. It represents a prayer for a safe and sweet year ahead.





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