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2011年11月04日 11:11 来源:中国新闻网 参与互动(0)  【字体:↑大 ↓小


While in China, the development in recent years is mainly driven by export and investment. The issue of wealth distribution is not well addressed and people’s income is still lagged behind. The lack in domestic demand indicates that China cannot avoid the adverse impact of global economic crisis. Additionally, the globalized world economy represented by the WTO focuses on the low cost of production. The developed countries are all making use of the cheap labor in developing countries to produce goods. As a result, the developed countries do not create wealth, while the developing countries are working for the developed countries. At the present stage, developed countries are not able to afford it anymore and developing countries have not enhanced the income of their people. The consequence is that developing countries now face a low domestic demand and a gloomy export outlook.


Meanwhile, government in each country has not realized the nature of the crisis and the way to solve the crisis fundamentally, but was merely continuing exerting itself to patch the financial holes caused by financial speculators through public finance. It is all these factors that lead us to the current serious situation.


  2. Policy for Solving the Problem


Generally speaking, the policies to be adopted should encourage the rich to expand investment and provide employment opportunities for the poor, and encourage the poor to improve their own life standard through their diligent working.


The priority of each government should be to restore employment. During America’s great depression, the work relief program in President Roosevelt’s New Deal solved the unemployment problem and thus restored the economy in a short period of time. This best exemplifies the importance of employment. Therefore, governments in America and European countries should not be misled by the financial speculators, nor keep arguing over the issues without taking any effective measures to solve the problems, which would only worsen the situation. It is especially important for the ruling party and the opposition party to consider the interests of the whole nation and people and work collectively to solve the current economic crisis. If they continue to only consider the interests of the interest groups and themselves and dally with the crisis, they would only bring chaos and disaster to the world and people.

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