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上一页 一位大学生的留学申请自述:有梦想就有希望(3)

2012年10月24日 15:43 来源:中国网 参与互动(0)

根据马弘毅教授的推荐,经过深思熟虑,在众多的学校中我选择了印度的贾瓦哈拉尔尼赫鲁大学(简称JNU,尼赫鲁大学)。印度的文明令人向往,这里的社会体制、宗教文化、音乐、电影、建筑等等都散发着巨大的魅力。印度很多方面都是闻名于世,很多都值得借鉴。听过马弘毅教授向我讲述他的女儿马宇歌(关于她的情况,上网搜索“马宇歌”即可看到,至今网上关于“马宇歌”的信息仅为此一人 )在进入牛津大学前,在尼赫鲁大学(JNU)求学的生活,更增加了我对这里的向往。

According to the recommendation of Professor Ma Hongyi and my deep consideration, I want to be chosen by Jawaharlal Nehru University(JNU).I always had a great interest in Indian civilization . I deeply attracted by its booming economy, religious culture, music, movies, buildings and so on. After hearing from Professor Ma describing his daughter---Ma Yuge’s life in JNU before entering Oxford University, thereby my yearning desire to go to India has been increased.


无论是JNU的自然环境,还是人文环境,都是那么的令人着迷。 在这里度过的这段时光,我结识了很多来自不同国家的朋友,并在不同专业的课堂里体会到了同样的东西:善于引导学生独立思考、钻研的教育环境,开放、自由、平等的学习氛围,我感到这里真是一个完美的精神家园,如果能在这里学习,一定会成为我人生中最美好的记忆。这里开放的通讯和活跃的学术氛围,更利于让我用国际视角去看问题、考虑问题,定能为我回国发展奠定良好的基础,为我做一个对社会真正有用的人的理想,加上一个重重的砝码。

In order to understand the specific courses in JNU and improve my English, I came into this incredible campus at the end of February in 2011 and visited the campus to understand its culture, and actively interaction with students for one month(This article was written in JNU).

What a amazing place it is! Not only the natural environment but also the humanism environment is so fascinating. During this time, I made many friends from different countries. JNU’s environment is very good for studying and it emancipates students thoughts.The atmosphere here is open and peaceful. I felt this is a perfect Spiritual Home. If I could be a student of JNU, it will be the best thing in my life. The opening information supply and active academic atmosphere here are conducive me to watch and consider problems in the International Perspective. And I may lay good foundation in JNU for my further development in China.

In closing,I would like to thank you for your favorable consideration.



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